Hi All You Beautiful Sweetie Girl Ferrets ... Blossom, Rosie, Caffie.
Sadie Lady, Qt, Shirt Tail (Scoozie) and all the other Sweetie's out there:
My name is Montgomery J. (Monkey for short) and my mom's name is Sarah.
I was laying on my mom's lap yesterday (which I always do when she's on
the computer) and I saw the posting from you sweet ladies.  So I thought I
would write you and say Hi ... how ya doin and let you all know that their
are other very handsome ferret boys out here.
In case you don't think so ... you can check out my picture on my mom's
web sit:
See ... my mama never taught me to lie (only on her lap ... ha ha).
My mom says I'm a very handsome boy (and so do all my Auntie from the
internet) in a dark and swarthy way.  You see I'm a chocolate sable.  I
also know quite a bit about computers (learned all that from laying on my
mom's lap when she uses hers and hearing what see says when shes yelling at
it).  Also my spelling is not to bad (when I let my mom cut my toe nails)
and I even know how to use the spell check.  So you see I'm just not a dumb
(handsome boy) ferret.
I use to have a live in sweetie, Molly the Dollie a most beautiful sable
little girl (I better say that incase they read these posting upstairs)
who would give kisses until her tongue fell off, to me and my mom.  But
she had to go to the Rainbow Bridge (I guess they needed her up there for
something) almost a year ago, and since then I have three rot bag little
girls who came to live with us (me and my mom).  They use to belong to my
mentor The Good Boy, Big Boy Beret, who also had to go to the Rainbow
Bridge (I think Molly needed some help up there).  Before he left he ask
me please to look out for them and take care of them and of course I said
yes.  Boy I sure didn't know what I was getting myself into !!!  There holy
terrors ... Mitzie (a sliver mitt) has very short legs and runs around all
the time like a wined up toy.  Heidi and Zine Zine (they look like twins)
are just general trouble makers.  Always jumping on me, nipping me and then
running away.  None of them are anything at all like my beloved Molly.  Who
was most beautiful and smart and ever so loving.  She cleaned my ears all
the time and always curled up with me to sleep.  Now that she's gone I
sleep alone, by my self in my hammock.
So you see now why I get on my mom's computer and look for sweet ferret
girls on the net, and if you guys (or anybody else) wants to be friends and
e-mail buddies you can e-mail me any time.  I'll be glad to e-mail back.
My mom doesn't mind if I use her computer as long as I don't break anything
(like some little rot bag girls that I know).  I've even been talking to my
mom about getting my own e-mail address.  Now how's that for being a smart
handsome boy.  Know any other ferret boys out there getting their own
e-mail addresses ???
Anyway just wanted to say Hi and let you know that I'm out here.  Hope to
hear from you guys soon.
Your New Friend,
P.S. Sandee ... if your reading this please check on my beloved Molly and
see if everything is alright with her and that she's happy up there at the
Bridge.  Also if you could tell her ... that me and my mom (and papa too)
miss her so.  Mama still cry's when ever something reminders her of Molly
or when we talk about her and every night we still include her in our
prayers.  Also if you could ask her to please come and visit me again (like
she use to when she first left for the bridge).  Only I could see her not
my mom, but she reminded me to be very loving to mom now that she was at
the bridge because she said mom would be very sad and need extra ferret
love now that she was gone.  She told me that she wasn't really gone, just
in another place (where she was needed) and if I needed her all I had to do
was call her and she'd come back to see me.  But lately she hasn't come (I
guess she's really busy up there).  So maybe you could tell her I need to
talk to her about some things and also not to be mad at me for writing this
e-mail to the other ferret girls.  She's still my very first (and best
sweetie) oh and can you say Hi to my mentor Beret and tell him I'm doing
the best I can with his rot bag girls.
Thank You Sandee
[Posted in FML issue 3341]