Just wanted to let you all know that the photos of the crate are now on my
website.  I would like to know what you all think about it.  They ship up
to 12 ferrets in one of those crates.  So I can only guess that the weak
ferrets don't get much food on their trip.
also there are pics of Drag my paralized ferret on there, before he gets
his cart.
Also I rescued 2, 6 yr old ferrets from a pigsty apartment yesterday.  what
a mess they were in.  Spooky the albino has a sore on his hind leg that was
bleeding everywhere, and the other has adrenal and his skin, or lack of, is
on one side, is disgusting.  I tried to get the hamster also, but the wife
told me not to worry about him, he is a "flushable pet".  I wanted to kill
her.  The daughter was crying and upset that the ferrets were leaving and
kissed my ferret pin that is in my car and told the ferrets she loves them.
I feel bad for her to have to be in such a gross enviornment.  Please keep
the ferrets and the hamster and those children in your prayers, they need
them.  Oh yeah, she also has a Siamese mix cat that she is going to breed,
So got see the pics and new announcements!
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 3341]