Driving home tonight (Friday) I noticed an old volkswagon van zip across
3 lanes and charge up alongside my car.  I glanced over at it and noticed
lettering.  It was the vehicle of the 'Rising Sun Tattoo Parlor'!  I tell
ya, it's gotta be a sign.  I do not normally go where tattoo parlors live,
and the last mobil one I saw was in Charlottesville, VA.  I told Mr. Percy
the guy had his window half way down, wave to get his attention, so I could
ask if he does ferret tattoos.  Mr. Percy reached over and snapped the lock
on the door!  Oh, well.  But I tell ya, it's a sign for sure!
So, if I can't get a tattoo from a rusty old volkswagon van, how about...
How about we maybe could have a tattoo artist participate at the proposed
Las Vegas event?  Della, you out there?  Can we do that, huh, huh, can
we, can we, please, please, please?  Who all has artwork?  Do we currently
have a tattoo artist on the FML?  One who could come to Las Vegas?
Georgia - the left coast one...
[Posted in FML issue 3317]