Thank you Sukie!!!  LOL I can't WAAAAIT until little sean comes home today
and I get a hold of him and Rocky.
Melissa wrote me about a good way to modify patty doing it on
the floor (hitting the floor)....and then the ferret would be entertained.
Thumkin was suggested.... since Rocky just lays there intent on watching
Sean... the appearing and dissapearing wigging finger would entertain him.
The piggy toes game (this one went to the market) was sugested..  I dont
know if Rocky will like that or not... it will be fun to see.  I could do
it to sean in front of Rocky in hopes he'll jump at Sean's toes and go
"wee wee wee all the way home"!
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3341]