Would you please post this?  Thanks
For INDIANA Residents: HB 1277 which is a bill to give the Indiana State
Board of Animal Health the right to license pet stores and set standards
for such licensing should be passed in committee Monday, February 26th.
Unfortunately, admendments were added, the most objectionable for ferret
lovers being those stores now licensed by USDA are exempt from this bill.
Still the bill will go along way to helping improve conditions for ferrets
and all animals in non USDA licensed pet shops of which there are only 6
or 7 (chains).
After passing out of committee the bill is expected to be heard by the
House.  PLEASE find out who your House representative is and e-mail him to
vote yes on this legislation.  Please affix your name and address to your
e-mail so he/she knows you are a constituent.  (An easy way to do this, if
you don't know the name or your representative is to find out what district
you live in and e-mail H(district number -, eg.  53)@ai.org
All those ferrets stuck in pet shops will thank you along with a lot of
other critters if this bill passes.
Connie Hewitt
Circle City Ferret Club
[Posted in FML issue 3341]