The following message is from Sharon Burbine.  As many of you may remember,
Sharon was instrumental in getting ferrets legalized in Massachusetts, and
she was also the first president of MaFF (Mass Ferret Friends).  As far as
we know, Lynn is the only place in Mass.  where ferrets are still illegal.
According to Sharon, the Lynn public health people have the usual outdated
misinformation on ferrets.  Lynn is also the city that tried to ban pit
If you can attend the meeting this Tues.  or have Qs, please contact me.
We need as many people to attend as possible.  It is also important that we
have vets who can testify.  **If you are a vet and are willing to testify,
please contact Sharon directly at <[log in to unmask]>.  **
Thank you very much!
Ronnie DiComo
<[log in to unmask]>
There is a public hearing this Tuesday evening February 27th at the Lynn
City Hall Room 402.  Topic is the Ordinance banning ferrets in the city
of Lynn, Massachusetts.  The ordinance dates back to 1976 banning wild,
exotic or so called exotic animals.
Anyone who knows anyone residing in the city of Lynn, please call, write
or bang on their doors as we need as many people as possible to show up to
this public hearing.  If enough of us show up, it will prove to them that
we are serious.
Please don't bring ferrets, bring your knowledge and any documentation that
proves ferrets are a domestic animal, not wild or exotic.
I'm setting up a page on my server
for online updates, etc.
Sharon Burbine,
Special Investigations
Mass Ferret Friends, Inc.
[Posted in FML issue 3339]