These girls are BIG (oops) trouble!
More fan mail
Dear Stormy,
You is such da hunk!!  My name is Jubilee Spirit, and boy honey does I have
something ta show ya.  I can dance betta than all does gurlz, Stormy.
Nobody can alligator spin wike me on da carpet, Stormy.  Oh Stormy
pweeeeaze win da contest, pweeease!  I'm twyin to type quietwy so my
brudders don't hear me.  I only have four brudders, not countin' dat Toady
in New Jersey.  They say he's weally wough!  Does Jersey boys!  I hear he
may even have
mafia connect... Stormy?  STORMY?  HEY STORMY WHERES YA GOIN?
Hmmm is this a PG rating..I am sorry I do not know what an "alligator spin"
is but I am reporting this to her mother!
Stormy get a Web Page!
[Posted in FML issue 3338]