Apologies to all for starting up the "shelter/donation" debate again as I
am the one who posted that I would be donating to Siggy's surgery.  For all
those that pounced on this topic and ran with it, try to keep this thought
in mind: when someone posts and asks for help, if you personally object to
it, if they're not doing things YOUR WAY -- ignore it and let the people
who do wish to respond make their own decisions.
For reasons of my own, I wanted to donate to this particular ferret's
surgery.  I verified that the surgery is scheduled, the check was made out
to the vet performing the surgery; that was all the information I needed
to know before I sent my donation.  I don't want or need an accounting of
Kim's funds, nor do I feel she has to justify the shelter/breeder issue
before Siggy gets her surgery; I don't even care if Kim does or does not
have tattoos.  Hopefully, my donation will help "one more ferret" have a
good life.  That's it -- the sole purpose of my donation which was made
for my own personal reasons.
I am saddened that something that started out positive on this list will
once again turn into another bashing.  I will now return to my forced
anonymous status and skim the FML for information that will enrich my
ferrets' lives.
Posted anonymously to protect the innocent in California
[Posted in FML issue 3338]