I have birthday comming up and I treated myself to "spa day" with my little
girl.  I groomed her, cleaned her ears, clipped her nails, etc, and bathed
her pretty..  JUST her.  Well next thing I know the boys are all over her.
It was quite extreme.  After a straight hour of chasing her, noses up her
butt, wrestling and even biting at her it all stopped.  I put them up in
their cage for a nap (well ok those lazy boys sleep not my little girl).
Next thing I know little girl is crying and I rush over to find the leader
Pong, "digging" at her, rolling her around, laying on her, biting at her,
draggin her, etc etc etc..  I couldn't get him to stop.  So Chet and I
bathed him so he's smell the same (he was obviously upset at her new
smell).  I then said oh heck with it and threw em all in the tub with Chet.
Sean had an interesting reaction.  It's been months since Rocky ever had
a bath (he's only had two in his short life).  Well my gosh you'd think I
washed this kids blankee today!!  Sean was so irritated at me.  He said he
didn't "smell good anymore".  He also said I took the "soft" off him.  He
was so mad.  He said, "mom, now i have to brush him 100 so he's soft
again".  Poooor Rocky.  I can see it now each day.  Sean sitting there
counting each stroke, "one,,,, twooo....".  sigh.  What brushing one 100
means is yet to be seen.  Is it 100 days?  100 times?  100 strokes all at
once?  Who knows.... only Sean knows.
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[Posted in FML issue 3338]