Well, I can't pass this one up, because the FML has helped me in many ways
too.  If not for the FML, I wouldn't have Thunder & Lightning (thanks Mindy
for hooking me up with these guys!) I wouldn't have met Sandi of Heaven
Scent, and wouldn't be fostering the most adorable little girl, Harriett,
for her.  I wouldn't have met Teri (who adopted 2 from Sandi).  I wouldn't
have the contacts that I do with out the FML (CJ, Kim, Juliana, etc. you
all know who you are...)  I wouldn't have a daily dose of laughter, tears
and yes, anger over some of the posts (especially ones like Loving
Ferrets).  Most important to me is the friendship (albeit electronic) of
all you fellow ferret lovers on the list.  The only time I can feel all of
these emotions in one split second is when I am with family (and trust me,
my family is enough to drive anyone mad!) so I guess this means that I can
consider you all family.
Now, about ferrets talking....We were finishing up the cage (added another
2 feet to the height) when Miss PeaPie comes in the room.  The cage door
was closed, so she looked up at her Uncle Gerald, looked at the door and
then back up at him.  Without a word, he put down his tools, leaned over
and opened the door for her (like the princess she is).  I had to laugh.
I told him the bad part wasn't that he understood her, it was that he
OBEYED her!  LOL She is "Queen of the Roost" and won't let anyone forget
it!  Gerald might make jokes about "ferret barbecue", but he will bend
over backwards to find them and cuddle/play with/annoy them.  (He's also
a pretty good carpenter, which is the main reason I keep him around! <G>)
Dooks and healing blessings to all...
Tammy & the Crew
War Dance Haven
Trying to explain ferret math to a non-ferret owner is like trying to
explain physics to a 3 year old.
[Posted in FML issue 3337]