Hello to everyone,
It is not often that I post on the FML I usually respond to people
individually with any information I feel I can help provide.  But today
seemed like a good day to post some of my funny fuzzy stories.
First - cleaning hard poop -
one of the things I have found very useful is a metal paint scraper -
directions: locate hard poop and scrape it off, then wash the floor, no
more poop, and then all is clean (of course if you have wonderful floors,
you probably won't want to do this!!! - but I don't have wonderful floors,
so I can get away with doing this!!!)
Good stuff -
I am also a shelter manager in Ontario, Canada and just recently had one of
our fuzzies come back to us.  She was originally found outside and she was
with the shelter for a couple of weeks.  One of our volunteers agreed to
foster her for a while (their wedding is approaching and they no longer
have the time to do the number of shifts), so the little fert is back with
me.  Well, has this little fert ever changed.  She used to bite you the
minute you put your hand near her, and then she would run away and hide
under something ... naturally when you tried to get her out - chomp!!!
Now, she gives kisses, and loves to play chase, tag and hide -n-seek.
She is doing so well, I almost didn't recognize her when she came back.
Funny stuff (in a weird way) -
one of my personal ferrets - Thelma - had surgery last week because she was
vomiting and had diarreha.  The only thing that we could discover through
exploratory was that she had an inflamed bowel.  Brought her home, she's on
amoxi, etc... Naturally, I couldn't put her with her brothers and sisters
yet, so I had her in a cage by herself.  At my place, I don't keep my
ferrets in cages, I have a room divided into enclosures (much easier to
clean).  Anyway, Thelma had the most pathetic look on her face when I put
her in her "get better cage".  I swear she thought she was in jail!  She
slept for the better part of 2-3 days, and has just recently bounced back
to being herself.  So, yesterday, I decided to let her sniff her brothers
and sisters to reassure her that everyone is still there.  Her sister, and
littermate - Louise, tried to beat her up, and so did her (not related)
brother Indy.  Bartles and Jaymes, on the other hand sniffed her real well,
then plopped down on top of her.  Poor thing, she is going to have to be
tough when it comes time to putting her back with the others - she has to
reestablish her dominance!!
And last but not least - the funniest part -
I have a really big water bowl (meant for really big dogs) in my kitchen
that I keep full for the ferrets and the cats.  It is one of those heavy
ceramic bowls that is almost impossible to move.  Well, one of my ferrets -
Indy - knows he can't tip it but he can certainly slide it a bit and have
the water slosh all over the place - then, he does one of two things
(depends on his mood I guess) he either jumps in the water bowl and
splashes around, or he rolls in the water on the floor .... then he makes
this noise (not dooking) like he's laughing away because he knows I have
to clean it up!!
Hope everyone is doing well, and all their fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 3337]