Hi Folks,
Ok.  I contacted Dr. Williams, and not only has he given me the go ahead to
produce a compilation of his posts, but he has agreed to edit the drafts.
So the final version will have Dr. Williams' Seal of Approval 100%.
I will make a printed version, and a CD-Rom version.  Initially I thought
the CD-Rom version would be a Word doc or something of that nature, but I
think something cooler will be in store.
On second consideration, though of course shelters can purchase the product
and use it as a fundraiser themselves, I think the majority of the funds
made on this product would be best and most appropriately spent on ADV
research, so that is my plan.  I will sell printed versions for around $10,
and CD-Rom versions for around $15-$20 depending on cost of blank CD's, and
I will keep only the cost.  The rest of the money will be donated to the
ADV Research fund.
I am approximately 1/3 through the archived posts, sorting and
catagorizing... An agonizing process.  I hope to have a finished product
in a month or less.  We'll see.
If anyone would like further information or would like to make a
suggestion, please feel free to contact me.
Melissa Barnes
[Moderator's note: Great!  My biggest suggestion is not to use Word.
They're all plain-text documents anyhow.  BIG
[Posted in FML issue 3337]