Hello to all my fellow ferret lovers,
I am searching for a cinnamon ferret under 1 yr of age.  I thought at one
point I was all hooked up with a beautiful male known as Cooper, but sad
to say that never came to be.  That ferret stole my heart and I still dream
of someday getting him.  But it is not looking promising.  So I am here to
put out the word to anyone in the Las Vegas, Phoenix or Southern California
that I want a true cinnamon colored ferret.  I have seen various shades of
colors, but the shade I am looking for would be considered a red copper.
It may seem strange asking for just a certain color, but ever since the day
I met Cooper, I fell in love with him like no other ferret has ever done to
me, and was promised that he would be mine, then my heart broke when the
promise was broken.  I hear that Cooper has become a daddy to 7 little
ferts, but sad to say the person who has Cooper and his kits refuses to
return my calls, even after telling me that if the female was pregnant by
Cooper I would get FIRST PICK when born.  Well I guess there are mean nasty
people even in the world of ferrets.
So enough of my whining about my heartbreaks.  I am now on a mission to
find me a Cooper like fert to give my love to.  As well as round out my
ferret group with a new addition.  I currently have 4 fur babies and love
having them.  If there is anyone that knows of a available young cinnamon
ferret anywhere in the above stated areas....Could you PLEASE PLEASE email
me direct????  Some of you know who I am, and know who I am talking about,
and may have even met Cooper.  And if you know the person I am speaking of,
could you please pass the word that I am still wanting the pick kit I was
promised before the breeding took place!!  I am tired of pleading for a
call back on her answering machine.
I really hope there is someone out there that can help me in my search.
Have a great fuzzy day
[Posted in FML issue 3337]