Troy Lynn wrote:
>Let's think about the positive power of the FML.
Yes, it was begun about 14 years ago due to the dearth of solid info
available to most people since there were only a few meagre pet books
out there, and it completely changed that situation.  Other resources
followed but the FML began the trend.
>If it wasn't for the FML I would not have learned about ECE and what to do
>for it (thank you to all, including Dr. Williams and Dr. Willard, and all
>the individuals that answered our questions or posted previously on ECE).
Well, it did not just teach people about ECE.  The FML greatly slowed ECE's
spread.  Back then it was the only widely read resource and Bruce was here
then, too.  He taught people how to use precautions, as well as logical
medical care.
The FML and some vets also helped people stop a deadly mutant coccidea in
its tracks and that disease appears to be gone.
In fact, before there were additional resources except perhaps a few
webpages out there Bruce was asked to write about the top ten health
improvements for ferrets in an article for the AFR and he specifically
mentioned that the internet had helped in the dissemination of information
and the more rapid advancement of medical care for ferrets.  That largely
meant the FML for much of the time frame under discussion, and pretty well
entirely meant the FML for part of it since the few ferret people had split
from pet.alt.ferret by that time 14 years ago -- all one dozen or so --
though it was re-started later.
Don't forget how it helped in the 10 years process of getting a USDA
accepted vaccine for ferrets and ultimately in getting changes to the
Compendium of Animal Rabies Control after needed testing had been done.
That saved many more ferrets nationally than it took even in just the
first few months, and the U.S. was not the only nation to recognize the
work and respond accordingly.  There were split feelings about how that
could be best accomplished but all had the same goal of saving as many
ferrets as possible.
The FML has played parts in many.  many health advancements: adrenal ones,
ones involving insulinoma, chemo, diet concerns, genetics and breeding,
etc.  The list itself could take up much of the FML if a person kept going.
If you can think of a ferret health problem the chances are very likely
that at some point it has been addressed here and someone has been helped.
[Posted in FML issue 3335]