I have to say that I am ABSOLUTELY sick at heart as to whats going on with
the FML!!!!!!!  I have been a member of this list almost 3.5 years now and
if it wasn't for this list and the vets that help out us fuzzie lovers I
could have very easily lost my fuzzies at one time or another!!!!!  The
most valuable loss is that of Dr Bruce William's!!!!  It just sickens me to
know that some of you people on this list can't keep your mouths shut!!!!!
You have hurt not only Dr William's but most importantly you have hurt the
ones owned by fuzzies and have taken away from fuzzies IMPORTANT, possibly
life saving info that will be hard to get else where without having to pay
My suggestion to you people who cannot keep your mouths shut is to start
your own damn list and stay off the FML!!!  You have hurt fuzzie lovers
one time to many already!!!!!!
I am sorry for venting so openly Bill, but having a sick fuzzie now and the
fact that I will no longer be able to ask Dr William's any advice or read
his WONDERFUL posts just irks me to no end!!!!  So please forgive me for
being so open with my opinions!!!!!
You people have hurt the fuzzies more so then you have hurt Dr William's
and you call your selves fuzzie lovers, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!  Get your own
list and stay off of ours!!!!!!!!
Dawn, and the Terrible Two's Gang, Tazy, Trouble, Rosy, and the 4 lb fuzz,
Baby Joey
[Posted in FML issue 3335]