I sent out my challenge , and stand by it.  Regrettably, some drastic
measures have forced action, i.e. departures such as Dr. Williams.
Looking through the posts tonight, I started thinking about the enormous
freedom and wealth of knowledge this forum provides.  Then I realized I
wouldn't have it any other way, even in light of the recent upheavals.
Before you all form a lynching party, ("Hey , Kym , YOU challenged us !"),
look at it this way.  We have , each one of us on the FML, an incredible
powerhouse of information, contacts, and support.  More importantly, WE
GOVERN OURSELVES.  This list is solely what WE make of it
Maybe we needed a sharp kick in the ass.  It's awfully easy to get sucked
into that dread lull where people just become names on a screen, without a
face, a life, an identity.  Type out a rash thought, it's just words on a
screen, and easily forgotten.  After all, it's not like you're responding
to someone face-to-face, just an email.
The email age is a great golden time for communication, and also the
perfect shield for communication.  Everyone is beautiful in cyberspace, and
if not, well, there's always the delete key.  It's very, very easy , and
it's a great way both to share your thoughts, and a weapon to hurt with
virtual impunity.
Look at it this way - the FML has been around nearly as long as the web.
It's now in the rowdy teen stages.  Fractious, and often difficult.
Censorship is not the answer, because we're ALREADY censoring ourselves.
Just like an adolescent, we as a list are learning the hard way, cause and
effect.  We've run off some good people.  We've probably scared the hell
out of a lot of others.  Lately, the FML has come off as the lumbering
schoolyard bully.  So, are we going to take the lunch money, or are we
going to back off ?
As I said, maybe we stubborn , highly opinionated folks needed this quick
and brutal reality check.  Up to us , now, whether we listen or not.
All the best,
Kym Zorn Long
Wayward Weasel Ferret Rescue
1800 Shady Lane
Louisville, KY 40205
(502) 459-9950
[Posted in FML issue 3335]