I got my first ferret in 1995 from the neighbors who were letting their
40# great dane puppy "play" with him.  I had no idea how to take care of
a ferret, and the vet I took him to for a check up and shots gave a few
pointers, but not many.  I went out and bought a computer *specifically*
to get ferret info off the web.  I found ferret central who pointed me to
the FML.  Through the years of reading the FML, I have been able to get
information which I promptly took to my vet to explore, and have been able
to save some ferrets who would otherwise not have made it.  (The thing my
vet was most impressed with was the fact that you can turn around a dying
or ill ferret by "forced" feedings--can't do that with a cat or dog.) The
FML has put me in contact with ferret knowledgeable people who have been
able to help me and my critters during some rather trying times (10 ferrets
with ECE being one).  Without the FML, I would not have made some of the
friends that I have, I would not have had the opportunity to learn as much
as I have as quickly as I have, my ferrets probably would not be as happy
and healthy as they are.  Thanks to the people who originated this forum
and those that continue it!!
[Posted in FML issue 3335]