I may have been premature last week-- but this time I am told it is a
keeper-- so we will be making updates VERY SOON!
No we did not close, it was a server issue that is resolved... for those
of you who contacted us over the past week!
Look for information on the June raffle (June 10) where a wonderful print
by Clara Rodriguez will be raffled for benefit of the education & Vet
funds.  It has been professionally mattered, mounted & framed on archival
board placed in to a wonderful carded wood frame & is ready to hang!
Guaranteed to ship to arrive for Fathers Day June 17th!
Also we willhave updates for Ferretstock- the Ferretstock Raffle-- Woody &
Dud Ferretstock an original mohair bear by Zu Zu Bears of Ma ( and his pet
ferret Dude) and more updates on the Cruelty Campaign, Calendar events ,
Glad to be back on the web-- you can reach us at our new email addresses
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all general information
[log in to unmask]
for information of ferret adoptions, pre screeinng & appointments
  for Jerimiah  & Friends  (who is writing a new update currently!)
[Posted in FML issue 3335]