As I sat with my little furry deaf one curled up in my lap, I began to read
with amazement the "Just One More" poem written by Kim Fox in response to
an anonymous post.  Goose bumps ran up and down my body, and tears filled
my eyes at the wonder that this person whom I've never talked to, met or
seen could take the words I had written in a post and turn them into a poem
as though she could see directly into my heart - for I am the anonymous
"One more fuzzy whose home was lost.  I'll take him in, no matter the
cost." How could you have known that it was indeed Rusty, the lost one,
my adrenal boy, who has cost.
How did you know that the "one more woozle that needed a chance" is the one
more that did not know how to "play and dance."  She watched and learned
well, and the sight of Sparky dancing stops me in my tracks for it is one
of the most joyful sights in the world.
How did you know that as I watch them peacefully sleeping, my heart "stirs"
with such gratitude that they are in my life that sometimes I feel as if my
heart will burst.
As I came to the last stanza, "it won't be long, of this I'm sure, my heart
will open for just one more," I sadly thought, no, this can't be.  One more
valuable thing I've learned from the FML is I must use my head (and quiet
my heart) and know that for now, my ferret family is complete.  I must
consider that many of my babies are around the same age and will likely be
needing extra vet care at the same time.  I must remember that it took six
months to integrate the "energetic Templeton" with two of my "bully boys"
and that I saw signs of stress in each of them during this process.  You
see, we all believe that Templeton's father MUST have been a flying
squirrel and it took a while to convince my bully boys that even though
Templeton could run circles around them, in places they never even knew
existed in this ferret-proofed house, it was okay to let him be one of the
group.  Thankfully, when Templeton does decide to sleep in an area that
they too can reach, they now let him.  What a beautiful sight that is!  So
the next time I get a call about "just one more," I will do my very best to
help find them a forever home where they can be given all they deserve.
And then, Kim, I remembered the post from Kim Wolf asking for help for
Siggy the shelter ferret's surgery, and it hit me.  I CAN open my heart
to "just one more" and still use my head -- I will send my donation for
Ziggy's surgery first thing in the morning.  Thank you for inspiring me
to do this, and thank you for the beautiful poem.
Posted anonymously to protect the innocent in California
[Posted in FML issue 3335]