Hi all, i'm a new poster.  I have two babies - Pattertwig, my 5-year-old
sable boy, and Pixie, my wee little 4-year-old cinnamon girl.
I'm currently having to acclimate them to a new food.  They used to eat
IAMS kitten formula, but Purina, which acquired IAMS, recently changed the
formula and now they won't touch it.  So i decided to switch them to a
real ferret food, the manufacturers of which would be much less likely to
capriciously change their formula.
Enter Totally Ferret.  It's been a week and a half now, and progress has
been slow.  Pixie, who's always been the more adventurous one regarding new
foods, is up to eating warm, mooshed-up TF out of a bowl, as long as she
gets to sit on Mommy's lap while she dines <g>.  She's also eaten a couple
of pieces of the kibble.  Pattertwig, on the other hand, is being quite
resistant.  He'll eat the moosh out of a syringe, though half the time i
have to scruff him.  He won't touch it off a spoon, my fingers, or in the
bowl.  I can also get them to eat some crushed kibble by mixing it with
baby food (sweet potatoes or carrots; they won't eat meat baby foods) or
rolling banana pieces in it.
Now, my Twiglet has always been finicky, even for a ferret, and he's
getting on in years, but his reticence is starting to worry me.  Is it
possible that he's never going to like TF?  Should i try another food,
putting us back to square one (i tried the 8-in-1 chicken and rice first,
which went over like a lead balloon)?
Does anyone know any other tricks to get ferrets used to new food?  Also,
i've been giving them FerretVite and Linatone to round out their nutrients
and calories; is there a maximum amount of either i should stay below?
Thanks everybody!!!    : )
Elena and the Dynamic Duo
[Posted in FML issue 3317]