Dear Ferret Mailing List:
The Circle City Ferret Club would appreciate your help to post the
following for circulation for those in the state of Indiana:
The Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Committee is
meeting Wednesday, February 21 to vote on HB 1277 which is a sorely needed
bill giving the State Board of Animal Health the right to license pet
shops in the state of Indiana.  Right now the only one to complain to
about conditions is the different prosecutors in the county who are too
overloaded to take on these complaints and when they do it is often too
late for the welfare of these animals in pet shops.  A recent example of
this took place in Anderson when the prosecutor finally investigated and
got a court order to step in, most of the animals were dead or almost dead.
This bill lets the BOAH establish the conduct of a pet store owner which
includes maintaining sanitary conditions, insuring proper ventilation,
providing adequate nutrition, providing HUMANE CARE AND TREATMENT of all
animals under pet store operator's control, taking reasonable care to
prevent disease and establishing a relationship with a vet and not being
able to import into the state for sale or resale a dog or cat less than
eight weeks of age.  You can read the bill in it's entirety by going to  html.
The legislators and their e-mail addresses are House Representatives
Mark Lytle [log in to unmask], Robert Bischoff [log in to unmask], Jerry Denbo [log in to unmask],
Terry Goodin [log in to unmask], Dale Grubb [log in to unmask], Paul Robertson [log in to unmask],
Russell Stillwell [log in to unmask], Dale Sturtz [log in to unmask], Richard Mangus (?),
William Friend [log in to unmask], Robert Hoffman [log in to unmask],
Paul Mannweiler [log in to unmask], Michael Ripley [log in to unmask] and
John Ulman [log in to unmask]
To find a complete listing of all representatives and senators go to
Send a note to the above and also to your own representative encouraging
them to pass HB 1277.  If you can cite an example of why you think this
would help the welfare of animals in pet shops and also consumers who will
not be unknowing purchasing sick animals.  As ferret lovers, we are hoping
that the Board of Animal Health will establish proper care and procedures
for ferrets which will eliminate the overcrowding of too young kits ( some
stores are carrying them at 4-5 weeks of age)in wire cages with feces
piling up in the corner.  Also that pet stores may have to become more
knowledgeable about the animals they sell, in particular ferrets, and alert
consumers to risks of contaminating their other ferrets with kits that
could possibly be carrying ECE.  Some people have already had this happen
to them and the pet store could care less.
Again, this bill is desperately needed and would have some teeth in it as
the BOAH will use licensing fees to pay for inspectors to make sure pet
stores are adhering to these regulations.
Connie Hewitt
[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3334]