Hello to all the fuzzies out there!
I'm having a problem that I'm hoping someone can help me with.
On Thursday, I took Scooter Elliott in for his shots, we were gone for 30
minutes.  I left Otto and Missy out to play, my teenager was home with
them.  Well, my 6 yr. old brought a bunch of friends home while it was
away and one of the kids found Missy and put her in the cage with Mac,
Mishia, Wacky, and Shieka.  When I got home, I didn't go looking for them,
thinking they were sleeping in a favorite place.  About 8:00 that night I
went looking for Missy and couldn't find her, we search outside (thinking
the 6 yr.  old had left the door open), under beds in drawers and in all
the usual places and couldn't find her.  I was in tears!  At 8:30 husband
heard screams coming from Mac and Mishia cage, and found Mac beating the
snot out of poor lil Missy.  I came running and he put her limp lil body in
my arms, she wouldn't even hold her head up, and she just laid on my chest
for the longest time as I stroked her soft fur, rain kisses all over her
and whispered in her lil ear.  She was terrified!  4 hours with them had
devastated her!  She slept with us that night and in the morning I put her
in her cage with Otto, so she could feel love from Otto.  Well, on Saturday
I let her and Otto out of their cage and Missy flopped out and was dragging
her hind legs behind her to get to the treat bowl.  I rushed her to her
vet and did x-rays thinking she might have been hurt.  X-rays were clear,
no damage from her ordeal.  We couldn't do a blood test then cuz I had
been giving her ferretvite during the visit.  So she put her on 1 ml
prednisolone every 24 hours and wanted to keep her quiet for a couple of
days.  I took Otto out of their cage and put him in with Mittens, Trinity
and Scooter Elliott.
I took her out of her cage yesterday and her legs are a little better but
not much, she still collapses after a few steps and wobbles when she walks.
She is also quit eating.  My vet thinks it may be an insulin tumor, but
we can't know without the blood test.  We think she might have been so
terrorized by what happened, and needs plenty of attention from us and
Otto.  We have put Otto back in her cage and he curled right up to her.
We are taking her to the vet today for the blood test.  I just wanted to
know if this has happened to anyone else and what did you do for your
little fur-of-love?  She has no other symptoms just back legs and not
Thanks in advance
Tracie and the lump-in-the-rug-gang
Mittens, Trinity, Otto, Scooter Elliott, Missy, Mac, Mishia, Wacky, Shieka
Well, we just got back from the vet and its a spine injury!  He said keep
with the prednisolone, add pepto bismol ( shes having blackish poops) and
duck soup.  Marleen is coming over to help me with all this.  ( force
feeding duck soup is not easy!) I could just scream!  I know the kid that
put her in the wrong cage was trying to be helpful making sure Missy didn't
go out the back door, but just look at all the pain we are now going
through!  I hope i don't have to ban the kids ( ages 6 to 11 ) from playing
with the ferrets, they all love the little bundles of fur.  What a lesson
we are all learning!
[Posted in FML issue 3334]