Hi Everyone,
I know we are all upset with Dr. Williams leaving.  His postings were the
ones I looked forward to the most.  I'm on some other lists and help when I
can but on this list I am the learner.  I skip all the BS and read the fun
and positive posts about people and their pets.  I feel this is my list too
and I have to say something.  If you can't say something nice at least say
it in a positive way.  If you read something you don't agree with don't
take it personally, everyone has an opinion and we don't all agree.  Maybe
Dr. Williams and others will come back if they see a positive forum that
they can look forward to.
My good news.  Elvis turned 3 Saturday!  He is such a cool ferret.  He is
the baby here.  Midnight is almost 7, Kylie is almost 5, Cleo, my newbie,
is 4.  She is doing great.  She had a tumor removed from her head and lost
an ear in the process.  To see her now you wouldn't even know she was sick.
I'm getting a camera with my refund so I can make a webpage and you can see
these miracle babies.  ^..^
[Posted in FML issue 3333]