I've been here since I believe Jan. 95, a couple of months after I brought
home Amelia, my first and currently only ferret.  Positive experiences?
Above and beyond all else, I completely credit the collective knowledge of
the FML with saving Amelia's life in spring of 96, when she had a blockage
that did not show up on x-rays.  I think that many vets now know that
blockages often cannot be diagnosed through x-rays, but at this time, my
pretty ferret-knowledgable vet was stumped.  I posted on a Sunday, when
Amelia hadn't eaten for three days and was at the vet's overnight for IV
fluids and forcefeeding.  She was fading so visibly it was literally
tearing my heart to pieces.  I posted to the FML, in the hopes that
somebody would have insight into this strange condition that wasn't
responding to antibiotics, and included my phone number in my posting.
Three people, including our erstwhile moderator, called me longdistance in
Canada to either let me know that blockages don't always show on x-rays or
just to offer support, and many many more emailed.  On the strength of all
this ferret experience, my vet and I decided to do an exploratory, and lo
and behold, Amelia had swallowed a rubberized felt circle which had neatly
stoppered the passage from her stomach to her intestines.  Without the FML,
I absolutely would have lost her, and given the state I was in at the time,
going through a divorce, frankly I probably would have lost myself.
That's the most dramatic positive experience, but there have been many
others.  I've met many nifty ferret people in Montreal and in Boston, and
many more have been met "virtually." I found ferret-friendly housing in
Boston through the FML.  I found support in dealing with Cully the problem
biter, and I found many people willing to contribute stories and tips to
the problem ferret website I built, which continues to help people to this
I would suggest to everyone that we remember that the FML is this thing of
enormous potential, and before posting, ask yourself if what you have to
say is respectful of that potential, or whether it desecrates the love that
we all share for our little fuzzy mustelid friends.  Have the beer or two
that Wolfy mentioned.  Meditate.  Pray.  Have some chocolate.  Listen to
your favorite music while you post.  Most of all, grab the nearest ferret,
rub your nose into their fur, take a deep sniff, and remember what it's all
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
           If robots wore hats, they would look ridiculous
[Posted in FML issue 3333]