Good Morning All,
First I want to say a GIGANTIC THANK YOU to ALL that have written me with
there opinions, prayers, and thoughts!!!
I would like to be able to e-mail all of you back privately but just
yesterday alone I received 46 e-mails from the ferret community, and I
have to say it is OVERWHELMING and has made me feel ALOT better to know
how many people out there care :-) !!!!!!!
Now on to the MIRACLE, I don't know whats going on with my Tazy, but since
Friday he has gained back most of his energy and is back to eating his TF
and drinking his water!!!!!  I have felt his belly and lo and behold the
tumor can hardly be felt it has shrunk considerably and is not sticking out
his belly when he lays on his back!!!!!!  I wonder if maybe it is because I
upped his dosage on the prednisone or if it could be that he has gone into
remission!!!!!  I am praying for the latter of course but I WILL NOT get my
hopes up, and will just pray harder for a possible miracle!!!!!!
I am soooo happy that I decided to go with my vets opinion and my gut
feelings!!!  But I also took into consideration everyone's opinions!!!!!
So once again THANK YOU ALL and I will keep you all posted as to what is
happening with my boy!!!!!!
Tazy is back to being a mountain climber again and is playing some with
the others again so I will take it one day at a time :-)
Prayers to all fuzzies and to those of you owned by them :-)
Dawn, and the Terrible Two's Gang, Tazy, Trouble, Rosy, and the 4 lb fuzz,
Baby Joey
[Posted in FML issue 3333]