Well, I had a fuzzy filled weekend--all 20 at Sandi's shelter.  Had a blast
and came home with an addition to the War Dance Haven crew: Harriett, who
is a foster from Sandi.  Harriet is currently exploring her new abode,
sniffing out the tailless ball of fur we have for a cat (Baby, the tailless
wonder), checking out the hidey holes and the contents of said places,
attacking her "uncle's" Mt.  Dew, war dancing after the cleanup towel, and
just generally having a ball...
Healing thoughts and hugs to all the sick fuzzies, and sympathies to the
ferret mommies & daddies who have lost a baby.
Tammy & the Crew
War Dance Haven
Miss PeaPie, Thunder, Lightning, Tubby, & Harriet
Trying to explain ferret math to a non-ferret owner is like trying to
explain physics to a 3 year old.
(Notice the lack of ranting, in spite of the steam coming out of my scalp
about Dr. Williams post.  I haven't been on the list for very long, but
will miss his caring and informative posts.)
[Posted in FML issue 3333]