Ferret on TV: According to what I saw for one brief instant on a
commercial, it looks like there will be a ferret on the NBC TV show "Ed"
this Tuesday (the one where John Goodman guest stars).  I'm guessing it
must figure into the plot where Goodman tries to buy back the bowling
alley from Ed, but of course I could be wrong.
California Ferrets:
(Being one of the webmasters for Ferrets Anonymous, I get asked this
question a lot.  Below is more or less my usual comments on the situation,
which is not in any way the official position of FA or any other ferret
organization - since I don't know what the official position is of any of
the organizations, including FA.  While I know how fustrating it can be to
find a ferret in CA, I don't want my advice to put in danger any of the
ferrets who are living illegally in CA nor their owner/caretakers.  I hope
everyone can understand that.)
The only "real" shelters in California (meaning licensed by the state) are
not in a position to adopt out their ferrets to Californians.  They have
ferrets taken from Californians which are waiting to be transported out of
the state, either to either shelters or to out-of-state families willing
to adopt.  You may be willing to volunteer, but to ask to adopt from a
licensed shelter is jeopardizing their ability to be able to accept and
relocate ferrets siezed by the state.
On the other hand, there are several non-licensed shelters in the state.
These shelters take in unwanted or abandonded ferrets, or those ferrets
which might be in immediate danger of being taken by DF&G.  These shelters
run the risk of discovery every day, and their have been cases in which
they have (I believe there are some posts in the archives about this).  If
you want to become involved in one of these shelters (if it is possible),
the best thing to do is become involved in a local ferret club first.  That
why you can meet the people involved and most imporantly they can meet you.
It's not unheard of for DF&G to visit ferret meetings asking all sorts of
questions (not that I'm saying you are, just that you could possibly be).
Face to face meetings where members can ask questions of you (and you of
them) will help to alleviate any fears on both parties if indeed they can
help you to adopt a ferret.
There are several throughout the state that are working towards the
legalization of ferrets and which could use all the help they can get.
Califorians for Ferret Legalization (http://www.ferretnews.org),
Golden State Ferret Society (http://www.ferretnews.org/gsfs/home.html),
Legion of Superferrets (in the Bay Area - sorry, I can't find a website
address ..  anyone else know it?) are all mainly located in Northern
California (if I'm not mistaken), if you want to attend meetings.
Ferrets Anonymous (http://www.ferretsanonymous.com or
has chapters state wide, but the biggest presence is mainly in Southern
California (again if I'm not mistaken).  All of these organizations work
closely with one another in legalization matters, rescuing and educating
the public about ferrets.
For all those people really wanting to donate some effort and time to FA
(and who live in the LA area), FA is putting out its bi-monthly newsletter
on Saturday, February 24 at 10:00 am at the Pasadena Humane Society.  We
need people to help us stick address labels, sort and count the newsletter.
It's not glamourous, but it needs to be done.  And it's always nice to see
a new face other than the 4-5 people who are always doing it.
The 8th Annual Ferrets Anonymous Round-Up is also coming up for Southern
California residents (and for all those Northern CA'ers who are willing to
travel.) It's on Saturday, March 31, 2001 at Almansor Court in Alhambra,
CA.  If you register before March 17, the cost is $55.00 for lunch and
dinner and admission, $35 for dinner and admission, $25 for lunch and
admission, and $10 for admission only.  Admission price at the door
will be $15 so register early and save $5!  Please see
http://www.ferretsanonymous.com for more information and for the
reservation form.
[Posted in FML issue 3333]