We are getting way too many bashing posts from anonymous sources now.  We
encourage BIG to possibly rethink how often it is used.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Ferrets & Aids
>Thanks for the comments.  Unfortunately this breeder breeds the jills
>several times a year, does not vaccinate the kits, and has "accidentally"
>inbred siblings.  I think the breeder will hang to the ferrets as long as
>possible as it is a "money maker".  Ha ha - we all know this is false.
What do we know is false?  It is not easy to breed a ferret twice a year
consistently much less several times a year.  Not sure then what else to
>Thanks so much, Dr. Williams.  I really respect your opinions.  Can you
>direct me to any studies of HIV/AIDS in ferrets that have been published?
>Others in my area are concerned with this issue as well.  If I had a
>published paper to refer them to it will help a lot.
HIV is by it's name human.  Ferrets are not human.  It would be unlikely to
find a paper on ferrets and hiv as it would be rather short "Ferrets are
not affected by the virus."  Would sum it up pretty much.
>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: ADV
>I want to know how long Sam has known about the ferrets she brought to the
>US were positive.
Sam contacted those who needed to know about the Aleutians Virus.  If you
did not have one of her kits, you really didn't need to know.  Since those
involved knew and her ferrets have NOT been much bred here most of your
post needs no answer.
> idn't Sam come here in the summer and bring ferrets lots of times?
Sam was in the US.  How does that affect the disease?
No she did not bring ANY ferrets with her. She only sent a very few
litters over.
It was very brave and nice of her to post publicly what she did.  It set
her up for ridicule such as your post.
>Also I think Sam should be more worried about the Alutians that she
>caused here in the US and not so concerned with her wedding plans,
>like she thinks its not important.
That was unbelievably rude!  As well as false.  Those who needed to
know, already knew.
Though it would be hard for Sam to have caused Aleutians here in the US
since it started here in the first place.
Sam, have fun!  Enjoy! Ignore the cretins.
>From:    Bruce Williams <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Last posting
We read of your leaving with sorrow.  But soundly applaud you comments
about anonymous posters
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3332]