I don't know about anyone else but as soon as I saw Kyms' post, I was like
a mad woman going for my sewing machine & looking for material throughout
the house. =)  At 7 months pregnant and not knowing how to make fudge, this
was an oppurtunity I would have to be nuts to have passed up!  HAHAHA!
I also wanted to say that I am sorry to see Dr. Williams leave the list.
I often read what he had to say and found him a great credit to the FML.
He brought up some very important things in his last post and I truly hope
that some of you took it to heart.  We will no longer have his insight and
knowledge when it comes to our fuzzies.
This just goes to show that some things are better left out of a public
forum.  Thank you Dr. Williams for teaching me as much as you did about
my fuzzies, it helped me a great deal and you will be missed.
~Kat, Quentin, Jon and The Fuzzbutts, Sebastian & Sampson
[Posted in FML issue 3332]