Are you new to the FML?  Are you new to the term ADV?  Are you familiar
with the term but just need an easy to understnad definition?  So you think
you know what ADV is, but would like great link, more indepth infomations
sites, and a refreshers?  If you answered yes to even ONE of these
questions..... I encourage you to take the time to visit AND bookmark the
following site:
Remember this site is a gift to all...... you are allowed to link up to
this from your sight and even put these pages onto your site ok?  Whats
important is public awareness.
Sam, thank you for comming forward.  I'm very sorry.... horribly sorry to
hear this happened to you.  I'm very scared, and upset... that this has
spread to even New Zealand.
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3331]