Sherri asked about pet health insurance for ferrets.  The promotional piece
I received from 'Blue Paw' covers only dogs and cats, but the materials
was interesting to read - for what it DOESN'T cover.  Such as pre-existing
conditions for 6 months, preventive care not listed in the handbook,
preventive lab and diagnostic tests, preventive treatment for fleas,
heartworm or other parasites, dental cleanings, dental care including
tooth removal except as a result of injury, and it goes on and on.
Keep in mind that insurance is offered because the offering company intends
to collect more from the clients than it pays out.  It only works if more
people pay their premiums and then don't have a claim.  It's my belief that
pet insurance companies are smart enough to realize that covering ferrets
is a bad business risk.
And another thing...
I have ferrets from New Zealand, and they didn't come from Sam.  NZ ferrets
have been available in the US for a number of years.  I need to have my
ferrets tested.  We ALL need to have our ferrets tested.  Nobody knew.
There's no 'blame' to be placed anywhere.  There would be no point in Sam
allowing this ADV situation to superceed her wedding plans.  Everything
can be dealt with.
Sam, have a wonderful wedding!
[Posted in FML issue 3331]