Hee!  Wolfy wrote:
>She is hyper, like me.  and she is.... screwy... like me.  She will go to
>an empty part of a room, and in the middle of the floor... hallucinate!
>She looks about as if butterflies are flying about her,,,,,and she
>twitches, looks at these imagined butterflies... bites at them, swats at
>them, dance, and thrashes,,,and stares into the air.  What a site!
Air goblins!!  My Pixie sees them too!  She jumps at least twice as high as
she is long into the air, dooking madly, twisting in midair, landing on her
fuzzy butt and rolling over backwards, only to leap back up and pounce all
over again!  I never get tired of watching that .... : )
[Posted in FML issue 3331]