Diddy wrote:
>Merlin took one sniff of the cable tech and went ballistic!!!  His whole
>body puffed up and he was barking and hissing at the same time.
I had a similar experience once.  I had been out in the garden moving some
sacks of potatoes when I realized a cat had peed all over the sacks.  I got
some of it on my clothes and when one of my hobs, Phoibos, smelled that he
reacted exactly like Merlin!  There were 3 hobs in the room at the time,
but only Phoibos reacted this way.  He is normally a very calm and friendly
ferret, but now he was so upset I didn't dare go near him.  When I changed
clothes and gave him the cat smelling jeans, he kept 'killing' the jeans
until I took them away from him.  He has encountered cats occasionally
before and never reacted this way.  It seems it was the cat pee that set
him off.
[Posted in FML issue 3331]