I have a few groups of ferrets who only use the litterbox half the time.
With the type of cages I have and the place [which is unbelievable] they
choose to poo, I have a VERY hard time cleaning it and it's literally
impossible to put a litter box there.  It is very important for me to keep
the cages looking good since I have people coming in my home and appearance
matters.  I get as much of the poo I can with a screwdriver [my hub loves
me lol], but I can't get it all.  I have heard there is a cleaner for birds
[hard poop], that is suppose to eat the poo away.  Has anyone heard of this
and if so, do they know what it is called and where I can get it?
If not...does anyone have any cleaning tricks I can use for this particular
problem?  I'm going out of my mind and am desprite!
Thanks in advance and do take care,
[Posted in FML issue 3331]