I have some of my ferrets on a natural diet (raw meat, organs and bones),
and others on IAMS Kitten kibble.  The kibble ferrets teeth needs scaling
about twice a year, but the BARF ferrets never needs any teeth cleaning.  I
never grind the meat and bones I feed them.  Ferrets are perfectly capable
of chewing up the meat and even large chicken and rabbit bones.  It is the
chewing that gives them pearly white, healthy teeth and it also allows them
to digest the food better.  I my opinion, this is the best way to keep
their teeth clean.
When I scale the kibble ferrets teeth, I put the ferret in a large sock
which makes it easier to keep them still.  Another person holds the ferret
and I do the scaling.  It's difficult to describe the actual scaling
technique, I would suggest you let your vet teach you how do to it
There are definitely money to be saved by scaling yourself, and also the
benefit of not having to sedate your ferret (some vets won't scale without
[Posted in FML issue 3331]