Help me now...  stick your tongues out and blow.  yeah keep blowing
::A racket is heard in the distance..  it sound like a motor.... or like...
gas expelling out a tiny opening.  A strange smoke arises.  A tiny red
thing is seen far off with a woman sitting on top of it thundering towards
you.  White things are flying out the back of the red thing.  Ah its
getting clearer,,, clearer..  its a miniture red, radio flyer wagon.  The
white things are depends falling off the back.  It comes to a screeching
halt as the woman puts her shoes down on the floor Fred Flintstone style.
Theres more.... what are those?  Ferrets!  Ferrets catching up.  Wait...
whats that?  A man wearing safari gear sporting a ferret named Pong on
his shoulders and eating a can of beans.  The woman in the wagon stands...
pulls the hood of her cloak down::
I heard that annoying squeak was getting on everyones nerves... I thought
it very mysterious.  In anycase I was getting tired walking you know?  So I
put the motor back on my wagon, and lubed up the wheels with laxitone.  I'm
thinking... If I swipe the beans from Carpet Shark Scott there... I wouldnt
need a motor, I could then just propel myself.  But then there would be
entirely too much smoke if you know what I mean.  Let me look in my wagon
and see what we have today.
Ah, Heidi ..nice bra!  Cheryl... has some way cool ferret art on her site.
I hope you checked out both those sites that were in yestedays fml.
Ut oh... I feel... predictions comming on... I feel... that Kim's Dolemite
will place highly in the swartzenferret class in the upcomming ferret show.
Yes yes... and what are Kim's ferrets wearing?  Its getting clearer... OH
MY WORD!  How creative!  OH you must go to the show and see for yourself.
I see...... Kat having dreams of Mangos... many many Mangos in her dreams,
and is that a Mango2 in her future... ooo its so unclear.  I see... flying
paper no..  hoppers!  Yes and this large grasshoper... fleeing
from Lynns ferrets jumps in her soup!  and whats that... Christopher!!!
You were toooooold, if you brought home one more ferrets your sweetie is
going to kill you!  You are bad!
I've had enough... there are huge.... things in the future.. a contest...
winners.... some big contest?  and... Modern Ferret Magazine....
something....... ugh its all just too much!
::Wolfy pulls up her cloak... nods to Scott, and takes off wobbling all
over the place in her wagon.  Depends are scattered about.  The smoke
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[Posted in FML issue 3316]