Dr Williams wrote
>Unfortunately, when public comments are made personal by the
>publication of a particular vet's name in response to something I have
>said, it breaks a very delicate trust which I have established with the
>FML, the veterinarians on it, and veterinarians in the community who
>treat ferrets.  Why would a vet ever call me on a case if he believed
>that I might publicly comment on their difficulties?
I'm sorry this happened but I'm sooo glad this happened.  Seriously, I
never would have thought twice about it if it had not come up.  I would
have been quick to post, Dr SoandSo wants to do such and such, what do
you think.  It makes perfect sense and now we all will know better, I
just wouldn't have thought of it until it was too late.  So some good
came out of it.
In my own experiences locally, I would like to say, different vets have
different talents.  The best way to find out which vet is best with which
animal is to talk to local people and shelters.  You will still get a
wealth of opinion and politics mixed in with the facts so you have to sort
through what you hear.  Here, I have a vet who is incredible with birds,
she treats my macaw and I love her dearly, but I wouldn't let her near
my ferret.  I've a vet who treats my ferrets and he is incredible, but I
wouldn't let him touch my macaw and a third vet who sees my cat and dog
and again, I wouldn't let him near my ferret or bird.  Talk to your local
ferret shelter, the shelter Mom or Dad will have lots of anecdotal evidence
about a particular vet.  Also petshop owners are a good resource for
finding the right vet.  Lastly, vets are a good resource.  If you called my
bird vet and told her you had a sick ferret, she would be the first to tell
you, "I can treat him, but you would be better off taking him to dr soandso
because he stays up to date on the latest in ferret medicine.  Any good vet
is going to know his or her own limitations.
One last comment.  New ferret owners, do it now.  Call around and politely
ask different vets, if they treat ferrets or would recommend someone who
does.  Call the shelters and petshops in your area and ask if they can
recommend an excellent vet who treats ferrets.  When the time comes and
you actually need a vet, it will be too late to start doing your research.
Christopher & Crew
[Posted in FML issue 3331]