Hi fellow FMLers,
You may remember me, though I've only posted once or twice -
I'm the mother of Grommie ("Tiny Lovey-Girl Fuzzie") and Quincy
("Hyper-yet-at-the-same-time-very-kissy Fuzzie")?  I apologize in advance
for the length of this post, also (my longest on record).
I have a question, and those of you with tiny MF ferrets may be able to
help me, possibly sympathize also.  My small Grommie (VERY small, skin and
bones even though she eats like a horse) can get into the crack between the
linoleum kitchen floor and the bottom of the stove.  Needless to say, this
has me very worried, and concerned about safe ways to block up that crack,
while still allowing for ventilation.
I came home from school on Tuesday night, and let the babies out to play.
They romped and played the mouth game for a little while, then set off
to do their separate things: Quincy, as usual, headed for the loveseat
recliner (where he KNOWS he's not allowed) and Grommie headed for the
kitchen, and began scratching at the bottom of the stove.  She had never
shown an interest in that area before, and it seemed well near impossible
that she could get through, so I went and dragged Quincy out from between
the cushion block and the recliner pad, all the while hearing scritch
scritch scritch from the kitchen.  After about two minutes of playing with
Quincy and his squeaking mouse on a string, I managed to hear over the
delighted dooks, that there was no longer noise from the kitchen.  As
Grommie is both light and FAST, I thought she must have sneaked by me, and
gone to sleep under my sweater.  No Grommie under the sweater.  No Grommie
in the cage under the sweatshirt.  No Grommie anywhere in sight.  Still
calm, I knelt down to peer nonchalantly under the stove.
A small pink nose and portion of snout peered back.  I FREAKED.  I tried
Ferretone bribes, I tried lifting the stove, but for fear of accidental
crushing, abandoned that idea - finally, I found a peanut butter Yogie (has
anyone else tried these?  Mine love them) and she managed to weasel (pardon
the pun) out.  God knows what is under there - holes in the walls, bug
killers, nasty old food particles.
Does anyone have any suggestions about safe ways to block off that area?
or the whole kitchen, for that matter?  I would be very grateful.  This
little girl has a huge portion of my heart - problem is, she is both
curious and stubborn to a fault.  :-)
Oooh, really quick - another question.  Is there such a thing as a Siamese
ferret?  Grommie is a VERY light brown in color, very light chocolate mask -
does not fit the traditional sable mold as I've seen it, and when I was
online at a shelter page (I cannot remember which one), I saw a picture of
a little girl named Leah who was called a "Siamese" and in both coloring
and patterning, could have been my Groms' twin.  Just wondering, given
previous discussions of Clydesdales and Whippets that I read...
Hugs and dooks to all, and prayers and tears (many of them) to all of those
with lost, sick or angeled fuzzies, with especial love to Sandee (even
though we've never met, and though Sandee has as yet had no occasion to
introduce around any of my babies - I love the posts, although sometimes
they are so bittersweet and touching they make me cry - serves me right
for reading them at work)
Caitie and the Yogiekids
[Posted in FML issue 3316]