Approximately one week ago, I posted that Spanky was ill and that the vet
felt he had the flu.  She gave him some sub-q fluids to prevent dehydration
and sent him home with me.  The next day, his breathing was fairly labored
but eyes, nose were clear.  He had not eaten for two days and would not
touch the AD food they gave me.  I took him in again, to see my regular
vet (was out the previous day) and he gave the same diagnosis but put him
on clavamox as a precaution to secondary infection and gave a shot of
penicillin.  Spanky did not have a fever, so that was a little confusing to
me.  I was told to get food in him and that this would probably last 7-10
days.  We have been syringe feeding for the past six and last night,
Spanky's breathing was beyond what I considered "labored".  I took him in
and the second the third vet looked at him, he said "that is not flu or
respiratory".  I was actually standing there, hoping for a blockage that
could be removed and then he would be fine.  Something I have never had
to go through, but I had a bad feeling that this was something really bad.
The vet did an x-ray, took temp (normal) and discovered that Spanky has
Cardiomyopathy.  He gave Isoflorane and extracted 25ccs of fluid from
around Spanky's heart.  I was told that under proper meds, he might live
6-12 months.  Spanky did start breathing better and appears to be on the
mend, until next time fluid fills that area.  The vet sent the fluid in for
testing to verify his findings and make sure cancer cells are not also part
of the equation.  This ferret is a 1 1/2 year old Marshall Farms ferret I
rescued.  That is too short a life.  I am devastated.
Dr. Williams, does the following medication/doses sound right to you for
cardiomyopathy?  4mg furosemide twice daily, .25mg Enacard once daily.
In addition to the above, last week we buried my friend's 17 year old son.
I am still recovering from that.  I also discovered that someone I have
trusted, betrayed me in a big way.  Then, my hubby went in for his yearly
physical and found out that he has extremely high blood pressure (runs in
his family) and has to take meds for that.  I am terrified of losing him,
he is my one and only.  All of the heart stuff freaks me out because my
dad died at a very early age from heart problems, my grandpa died at 30
from heart failure.
The point I am trying to make is that LIFE IS TOO SHORT.  These events have
truly humbled me and made me realize that bickering over ferret stuff is
just not worth it.  My health and the health of those around me is far too
important to risk over disagreements.
I will say, it did not help me this morning to open up my email and find a
message from Cap383@knology saying "Loser.  Hypocrite."  I just don't
understand why anyone would spend time sending something so hurtful.  Not
to mention that I don't even know this person and have had no dealings with
them.  I will say once again, LIFE IS TOO SHORT.  Please think about it.
I'll step down from my "soap box" and hope everyone considers what I am
saying.  It is sad that it sometimes takes tragic events to make one
realize that life is too short, but I do feel lucky that I have realized
this.  I truly mean this from my heart and soul.  Don't sweat the small
[Posted in FML issue 3330]