I have two ferrets that have been together since at least 6 weeks old...
perhaps since birth.  These two are like ying and yang....I've never seen
two ferrets that are so inseperable.  Being that Dawn is loosing Tazy.
It made me think.
What is appropriate for such a unique bond with these two ferrets if one
passes before the other, and needs to be helped across the bridge?  Do I
just take one to the vet....and the other walk around confused and not
whole???  Or do I take them BOTH.. and then have them together in the
room before.... then take one out as the other gets the shot... then bring
the other back into the room to see the body, and say goodbye?  is this
Which is better for the suvivor of the pair?  I'm sorry if posing this
question.... is painful to those that have lost fuzzies.  I'm sorry if I
wrote this so directly.  I just didnt' know any other way to do it.
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for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3330]