I would like to apologize for my post the other night.  I really didn't
mean for it to get nasty.  I was just stating that I wanted some answers,
but so much is involved in the situation, I guess , no one can be civil
about it anymore.  So many times emotions take over and rule us.  So again,
I apologize to all of you who have had to be subjected to it and didn't
want to.  There are some that do want to know more.  If anyone would like
to know about all that is involved, you can email me personally at:
[log in to unmask] .
Sue & The fuzzies
Hug your fuzzies today, life is way too short
[Moderator's note: Any other party to this situation can certainly post
a neutral note inviting people to contact them privately for more info.
The discussion itself, however, is not a topic for the FML.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3330]