I am hesitant to write this, because I do not want the flames.  I have
owned ferrets for over 4 years now, but with a job loss for my husband and
an impending move, also a move into a very small apt.  for me, my husband,
and three kids, I have no choice.
I have 4 babies at this time.  I have 2 two story cages that have been
joined together by a tube.  I would like all 4 to stay together, as they
have been together for over 2 years now.  If you can't take all 4, I am
willing to split them up in pairs.  I am not asking for any money for
myself, but here is the stipulation for adopting my babies.  The adopter
will donate $50.00 to the ferret shelter of their choice.  ($25.00 for a
pair).  In the group there is one male and three females.  The male is
prone to shelter shock.  If anyone wants anymore information please contact
me.  Also I can deliver to anyplace close to I-10, I-20, I-30 or I-35
between Phoenix AZ and Killeen TX.  I will be leaving PHX on March 18th
to move.  Can someone please help me out and give my babies a loving home.
June Crowe
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[Posted in FML issue 3330]