Anonymous Poster wrote:
>My question?  Can this sort of behavior transmit HIV to the ferrets -
>and thus onto the kits' new owners should they get bitten?  It may sound
>stupid - but ferrets are prone to the human strain of 'flu.  Can anybody
>shed some light on this?
Several years ago, I worked at a social service organization for people
living with HIV/AIDS and I can confidently tell you that the chances of
this man's ferrets is 0%.  Immunodeficiencies similar to HIV (and, perhaps,
the progenitors or progeny of HIV) have been documented in species other
than humans, but not -- to my knowledge -- in ferrets.
I'd say the greater danger is in the ferrets transmitting diseases to him!
Litter box time can be a deadly venture for a person with full-blown AIDS.
-- Andy and the five Sock Pirates
Lily ("Just leave me alone. . . except for you, Dad.  Kiss, kiss, kiss.")
Cody ("I just want to snuggle.")
Tripod Bob ("Look out everyone!  I'm gonna kick -- well, knee -- your
Ifdaschuwitz "Witzy" ("I'm no scared of you no more, Bob. . .")
Oscar ("Can't we all just get along?")
  . . . with Fossa and Socrates waiting at the Bridge. . .
[Posted in FML issue 3329]