I forgot to state where I live when I asked anyone to let me know of any
good ferret vets within a two-hour drive.  I live in New Berlin, NY
(Chenango County, neighboring Otsego County).  Check mapquest.com for exact
location.  Linda Iroff told me of a vet in Brockport (near Rochester),
which is a 3 1/2 - 4 hour drive for me.  I may actually be closer to vets
in northern Pennsylvania or Western Massachusetts or other locales.  I'm
about 2.5 hrs east of Ithaca (Cornell); 2 hours southest of Syracuse; and 2
hours west of Albany.  Although distance is a factor, cost is too.  I'm
willing to drive farther if the cost savings justifies it.
In case it's important, I thought I'd explain a bit about Templeton's
aggression toward the one female ferret.  Both Templeton and Sally can't
stand the baby, so they are housed together right now.  When Templeton's
mad because the baby is out and about (and just outside the pen), Sally
is right there alongside him just as mad.  I think she's just handy when
Templeton wants to lash out.  Since Templeton was adopted, the only ferrets
to be added to the group was two girls.  That was almost two years ago,
so the group was well established when Klondike arrived in late November.
Templeton could be aggressive toward Klondike because he's a baby, or
because he's a boy.  It may not necessarily be because he has (unconfirmed)
adrenal.  As I explained yesterday, Templeton's hair loss occurred about
the same time as Klondike's arrival, too, and I wondered if his symptoms
may not be adrenal at all, but stress.
I did have an idea.  If I can't find a vet within a decent distance, would
it be feasible for me to get a vet (like Dr. Williams or another on this
list) to either email me with the procedure (in vet-speak), or provide
the website that explains it, that I could print and provide to a local vet
who might assist in drawing a blood sample to send to the University of
Tennessee (or whatever it is they should do).  I may be able to find a
vet locally that is willing to help, even if they're not experienced with
ferrets.  If this is a totally bad idea, just tell me - it was just a
thought.  I guess I'm just wondering if it's worth driving three or four
hours to have Templeton checked for Adrenal, only to find out he's not.
If I knew he had Adrenal, that's one thing, but I don't.  I just don't
know what to do.
Brae, Templeton, Sally, Phoebe and Klondike
[Posted in FML issue 3329]