Hi to all, I'm so sorry for not posting sooner but its been a real bad
week.  But also a good week in some ways.
First I want to start with thank you's, these folks have send money to
the Send A Buck Fund and some have sent their UPC codes for Yesterdays
news litter.  Or Both!
Oscar the ferret, Debra C., Denise & Sam C., Karna R., Tea, Sharon in
L. V. , I also want to thank Helga Clark for her donation to SOS to go
towards our vet bill, that will remove a good chunk of it!!!
To SOS for being there for all the shelters, to BIG for doing the FML which
allows people to seek help when needed, to my friends at Petco for their
support and letting me do adopthatons from their store.
A big thanks to Performance foods for shipping me 200 lbs of food and
paying the freight to boot.
To Georgina B. and Rebecca M. for donating a $25 G.C. from the ferret
store!  To everyone else that has been there for the shelter and provided
supplies, moral support and love, I thank you all.
Gee, I feel like I just won an Emmy or something, LOL.  I just know its
important to thank people who help, without the support, life would be
harder for the shelter ferrets.
Well, in January we took in 32 ferrets, and had 21 adoptions, we also took
in 2 orphaned guinea pigs, so cute, one is deformed but cute!  And a mouse.
right now we still have 55 ferrets at the shelter, 9 in foster homes.
Their are 6 ferrets still needing adrenal surgery, the new guy, Slim Shady,
who has hind end paralysis is getting a milligram this week, and 2 needing
bloodwork done.
Skippy who had a major surgery last week, both adrenals taken out, his vena
cava sewn off, one kidney removed, 3 hairballs removed, and a cyst on his
neck removed, crashed a few days ago.  I drove to the vets in my PJ's,
speeding and running red lights, crying, but made it in one piece.
My poor vet, I demanded that she save his life, and not to let him die, I
was hysterical.  While I sat in the room trying to get myself together she
took Skippy, got a catheter into him, gave him some valium, (I could have
used some), and put him in an incubator to get his temp up.
When she came back she told me that he probably wouldn't make it, but she
would try her best.  Well, my little wonderful miracle worker vet, Dr.
Kolmstetter, has saved his life.  She called me yesterday to let me know
that he's doing great and is stable, she will keep him over the weekend at
her house and what she figured is that when I took him home he was off his
pred because he was doing good, but not having any adrenal glands at all,
put him into a shock.  So now Skippy is on Pred forever and I hope he lives
long enough to grow his hair back and enjoy some quality time with me and
his sissy Bonnie.
I've rambled on enough now, so now its time to feed and medicate the crew!
Take care all, CJ 24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
Visit us at:
[Posted in FML issue 3316]