Hello fellow ferret lovers:
It is with a heavy heart that I share this - Simba had to be helped cross
over to Rainbow Bridge yesterday :-(
Simba was my alpha ferret - a sweet albino boy, 7 years old.  He succumbed
to adrenal cancer.  Actually, Sunday evening, I noticed he was having
trouble breathing.  I held him until midnite that night, then put him to
bed with his "family", Dakota and Monte.
Very early Monday morning, around 4:00 am, I awoke and went to check on
him.  He was still in distress.  I brought him upstairs and lay down on
the couch with him, hoping he would go on his own.  He kept on breathing,
really hard and heavy.  It seemed his little heart struggled with every
breath, and I felt for him.  I heard him grind his teeth, and whimper.  At
that, I figured it was time to let my baby go...... I could not do another
thing for him, except to end his suffering.
I held him most of yesterday, then made that call to my vet.  She knew he
was sick, several months ago when she diagnosed him.  She told me I'd know
when it was time to help him, if that became necessary.  It was a very
hard decision to make, but at 2:00 pm, I went to the vet, and she gave him
a shot.
Simba slipped away immediately, simultaneously..........
I wanted to share this with you because I have several friends and family
members who view pets a just that, animals who we keep.  Simba was my
buddy, my pal.... I know I don't have to say much more to you all and I
know you understand exactly how I feel right now.  Thanks for letting me
talk, it's good to have understanding people to listen :-)
To Sandee: Please look for Simba, he should've arrived yesterday afternoon.
He is a red-eyed MF albino who is the sweetest boy- has nothing but kisses
for everyone he meets!  He should be met by Keesha, his cagemate from when
he was a baby.  Izzy, Kiera, Rex and Felicia will also be waiting for him
there....... And please let him know that Monte and Dakota looked all over
for him today, moving their 'beds', their litter box, everything looking
for him.  I guess they wanted to make sure he was warm.  They snuggled with
him continuously during the last few weeks, and it was a comfort to me as
well to see them take care of their brother.  I told Monte and Dakota that
Simba will be there, waiting for them, whenever it is their time, and that
Simba couldn't Possibly EAT all the Raisins at Rainbow Bridge!!!  (I guess
they were worried about that, he was a glutton at treat time!) Thanks
To all whose ferrets are still here, give them an extra hug for me and let
them know how much they mean to you for it's so hard when they leave.......
For those whose fuzzies are now checking out the 'new' guy, I hope this
finds you all healing from the pain of that last goodbye.........
[Posted in FML issue 3299]