It is with a broken heart that I announce that Zhakorati, Chocolate
Destroyer of Worlds, was helped today to cross the Rainbow Bridge.  I am
sure that she will be happy in the fields of Valhalla.  Hopefully she will
find Cassie who is already there.  Knowing Zhaki's wonderful fighting
spirit, I am sure that she would make a great Valkyrie, should anyone up
there be listening.
In the last few days, Zhaki started going down fast.  I could not keep her
hydrated and she stood and moved with obvious discomfort/pain.  As of last
night, she began to smell of urine, a sure sign that she had lost kidney
function.  Sadly, even her cagemates stopped sleeping in the sleepy sack
with her.  The time had come.  The last thing she did before the sedation
took effect was to take a few last licks of Ferretvite, the one thing that
she loved at the end.  She passed quickly and quietly when given the mercy
shot.  Her empty shell now waits here in the house for spring so that it
may be buried beneath one of the roses.
There will never be another like Zhakorati.  She is sorely missed already.
Anastasia Kidd
[Posted in FML issue 3299]