Just running in, ducking and weaving to avoid any catapults, Tuckas', or
tangerines and wanted to say:
this is a really serious note..... I have something to donate for the next
prize..just waiting for the contest!
>And Wolfy-is Pongo's tuckus registered as a deadly weapon?  Let's hope so.
>You know, if you feed him beans it could be even deadlier.
I have 3 Coupons for FREE Bush's Beans.  I think "Da Wolfy" is going to
really want this prize.I will trade for Shelter Donations?????  Or as a
prize for the next contest.  Yes, three, count 'em, 3 16 oz.cans of the
best Beans in the world......Bush's Beans, free, free - free.
>my first AARP letter..
Arid, Air-tight Resistant Panties????
snort, snort
>My experience with Litter Pearls/silica bead litters
Thanks Erika for the info.  We appreciate you "trying" it out first.
[Posted in FML issue 3298]