Good day everyone!!!!!  Just wanted to share with you my experience with
pine pellets as litter.  My Jinx doesnt like it for him to go potty on,
he would rather play in it.  So, I took about 10 pounds of the pellets
and poured it into a open box and let him play away in it.  When I cut the
opening in the box, I made sure that I left a ridge around it to catch any
flying pellets that may arise in the air due to digging.  I geuss it is
similiar to some of your rice boxes, just pine pellets instead of rice.
Jinx loves it soooooo much we get such a kick out of watching him and we
even will hide his favorite toys in the pellets and he knows to look for
them in there.  He will stick his whole head into them and slither his
body in cute.
I have pictures of him in his pine pellet box on his web site....check
them out....
have a sweet day!!!!!
Tammy and Jinx
[Posted in FML issue 3298]