I was turned onto to this stuff about a year ago...it is called Dyne, it
can be ordered from Jeffers.
"Dyne is formulated to contain a maximum of nutritive value in a minimum of
liqiud volume.  Each ounce of Dyne provides 150 calories.  Dyne may me fed
as is to animals unable to eat solid food.  Whe diluted with water it can
be used to combat dehydration.  As a supplement to other foodDyne supplies
other calories to aid in weight gain or to resist stress conditions.  Good
for working dogs.
The recommended dosage will supply more than the known daily vitamin
requirements and sufficient high quality protein to maintain vital tissues
for a reasonable length of time"
This stuff is terrific, each ounce is 45% fat, it smells almost like a
rich vanilla pudding, it is very sticky gooey sweet, probably NOT GOOD FOR
INSULINOMICS, though that is how i mixed humphreys pred up with about .3
cc's of dyne.  It is very good for animals recovering from surgery, and I
use it as a treat around here..it is definitly LIQUID GOLD!
Dyne really works, it is so effective, a horse only requires 3 ounces 3
times a day.  No I don't work for these people...I am just a avid believer
in their product!
June and the Tennessean zoo
missing her babies, phoebe, joey, Oliver and humphrey
I hope you're running jumpin' and playin' little ones!
[Posted in FML issue 3298]